Basic Information:

  • Official Name
  • - Republic of Tunisia
  • Official Flag
  • -
  • Government type
  • - Republic
  • Head of State
  • - President General Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Ben Ali)
  • Capital
  • - Tunis (largest city)
  • Official Language
  • - Arabic
  • Other Major Language
  • - French
  • Religion
  • - Islam 99%
  • Neighbours
  • - Algeria on the West and Libya on the East .
  • Monetary Unit
  • - Dinar
  • Climate
  • - Mediterranean in the north, with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. Southern Tunisia has an arid climate, and hot, dry winds in the summer.
  • Dimensions
  • - The total area is 163,610 square kilometers or 63,170 square miles
  • Canadian Embassy
  • - 3 du Senegal St., Place d'Afrique, Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Map
  • - Large map of Tunisia.

    Interesting Facts

    When did the Punic Wars really end?
    In 1985 the mayors of Rome and Carthage (now a suburb of Tunis) signed a treaty declaring the Punic Wars over.

    Where is the longest ancient aqueduct?
    The Roman Aqueduct of Carthage. It ran 141 km (87.6 miles) from springs of Zagouan to Djebel Djougar. It was built by the Romans during the reign of Publius Aelius Hadrianus (AD 117-38). I have heard that its original capacity has been calculated at 31.8 million litres (7,000,000 gal)per day!

    Where does the word gorilla originate?
    It is said we get our modern word "gorilla" from a Carthaginian named Hanno who, according to the elder Pliny, sailed along the west coast of Africa.

    Did you know...
    The land of the Lotos-Eaters (IX 90-103) in the Odyssey is thought to be Djerba. Some also feel that Odysseus' journey, after leaving the Lotos-Eaters, took him North along the Tunisian coast to the lagoons and the fertile lowlands of Tunisia. What is Henna?
    Information from the Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Dictionary:
          Pronunciation: 'he-n&'
          Etymology: Arabic hinnA'
          Date: 1600
          1 : a reddish brown dye obtained from leaves of the 
              henna plant and used especially on hair
          2 : an Old World tropical shrub or small tree (Lawsonia inermis)
              of the loosestrife family with small opposite leaves and 
              axillary panicles of fragrant white flowers 
          transitive verb
          Date: 1919
          1 : to dye (as hair) with henna

    Fact Sheet Sites

    These sites are for those who want "just the facts"... in my opinion it's pretty dry stuff.
    Tunisia - Consular Information Sheet MBendi - Tunisia country profile Tunisia
    A general fact page (has two maps) Tunisia Food Market Report - Foreign Agricultural Service Tunisia - CIA Factbook on Tunisia
    Tourism in Sousse Shows new Trends Tunisia: Country Profile Tunisia - Constitution
    Holidays - Tunisia - This page is a list of all the Holidays in Tunisia, both public ones and the movable Islamic ones


    Last Updated May 19, 1999 Nedstat Counter